by Horizon Transport | Oct 21, 2019 | General
It may have just recently changed seasons, but winter has the tendency to sneak up on everybody. Though it feels a little premature, it’s never too early to start getting yourself prepared. Whether you’re a long-time veteran of driving in snow or somewhat of a newbie,...
by Horizon Transport | Oct 14, 2019 | General
Temperatures are dropping, leaves are falling, and everything is absolutely beautiful. Fall is one of the greatest times to be outside, but it also brings its own things to keep in mind when driving. Here are 4 of our tips for driving safely this fall. 1. Don’t hit...
by Horizon Transport | Oct 7, 2019 | General
It’s been found in a ROSPA survey that 40% of accidents happen at night. Driving in the dark comes with a whole new set of challenges, so it’s good to keep a few extra safety tips in mind for when you find yourself on the road at night. Here are five of our safety...